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10/17/20242 min read


24 de abr. de 2020 - 2 min de leitura


29 de abr. de 20202 min para ler


Many times patients come to ask me when would it be the optimal time to use magnesium and if it really helps as far as sleep quality and workout recovery. I’ve then decided to write a little bit about it. But, before going any further, it’s important to say that always seek the advice of your health care practitioner. With that being said we can go on. It is not uncommon to find out that many patients have less than optimal magnesium levels. Even through it’s often seen in older patients as well as women. If your levels are not optimal, you may get an extra help as far as workout recovery, immune function, bone health and, as a result, performance. Low magnesium can put you at risk for many chronic health problems that could be easily avoided. The most often question heard is.. Could or Should it be taken before bed? The answer is yes as it can help not just with sleep quality but also muscle recovery. Among all it’s benefits, this mineral can/is; Lower the toll that stress (physical, from workouts/races and psychological – which also impairs your racing) places in the body. We all know that depending on the period of training sessions can be longer or more intense, add that to double workouts and the body can very easily be more prone to overtraining. Is involved in energy production and helps the transport and utilization of calcium, potassium and other minerals. Can help muscle recovery. Maintain healthy GABA levels. GABA is a neurotransmitter that helps promote sleep. The body is better able to relax and more chances you hit deep sleep. And, as a result, recover better. Research has also pointed that lack in magnesium intake may prejudicial to gut health and increase anxiety. As said before it helps bone health as it helps the body better utilize calcium. Helps better regulation of muscle function (includes the heart. As it helps to maintain a healthy rhythm), very important. ​

We were talking about workout recovery… As many of us train at night or do double workouts during the day. Research has pointed out it reduces muscle pain and tender points.

Unfortunately the body doesn’t produce magnesium, it has to come from either food (preferentially) or supplements. Some of the foods are;

  1. Dark, leafy greens.

  2. Seeds and nuts

  3. Broccoli, squash

  4. Meat

  5. Whole grains (unprocessed).

  6. Dairy.

If you are supplementing always check with you health care practitioner beforehand. He/she can inform you the best dosage for you as over supplementation can cause side effects (sometime severe).